La Fouchet 20 Dec. 2015 |
Monarch 1 at Wynne Farm, 19 Dec. 2015 |
Monarch 1 at Wynne Farm, 19 Dec. 2015 |
Monarch 2 at Wynne Farm, 19 Dec. 2015 |
Monarch 2 at Wynne Farm, 19 Dec. 2015 |
Milkweed by Etang Lachaux 9 Mar. 2015 |
Etang Lachaux 9 Mar. 2015 |
La Fouchet 20 Dec. 2015 |
Monarch 1 at Wynne Farm, 19 Dec. 2015 |
Monarch 1 at Wynne Farm, 19 Dec. 2015 |
Monarch 2 at Wynne Farm, 19 Dec. 2015 |
Monarch 2 at Wynne Farm, 19 Dec. 2015 |
Milkweed by Etang Lachaux 9 Mar. 2015 |
Etang Lachaux 9 Mar. 2015 |
4th graders looking up birds. |
4th graders looking at palmchats. |
The 6th grade class. |
Preschoolers waiting for lunch! |
Black-crowned palm tanager in a papaya tree. |
Cattle egret on a cow. |
Little blue heron Egretta caerulea |
Snowy egret Egretta thula |
Snowy egret Egretta thula |
Great egret Ardea alba |
Great blue heron Ardea herodias |
Green heron Butorides virescens |
Common gallinule Gallinula galeata |
Stilt Sandpipers (Calidris himantopus) |
Stilt Sandpipers (Calidris himantopus) |
Black-necked stilt Himantopus mexicanus |
Pied-billed grebe Podilymbus podiceps |
American kestrel Falco sparverius |
This is from Etang Lachaux - West Indian whistling-duck Dendrocygna arborea |
Female |
We sampled in the cattails in the canal. |
Releasing the fish back into the canal. |
Yes, fish live here! |
Clear spring water running down the street that comes out at Mais Gate. |
Water quality measurements were taken upstream of Rue Simon crossing. |
Looking upstream. |
Native mosquito fish Gambusia |
Freshwater shrimp |
haytensis Rathbun, 1893
Deep pool at the bend (note the gabion) and riffles upstream (no gabion). |
Gabion at the bridge. |
Mayfly larvae on a rock in the river. |
The deep pool at the bend in the river. |
Two tadpoles and a damselfly larvae. |
The view upstream from the pool. Road-side bank is on the left and has no gabion. |
View walking upstream from the bridge. Note the calf (with mom) by the river! |