Using BirdsCaribbean bird silhouette poster.
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Debbie had to leave Haiti in March 2020 and was not able to return as of May 2021. Elio and Wilnise of UCNH continued the activities for this project by leading environmental education workshops for children and their parents of the Institut Rehoboth de Belle Hotesse school which is near the previously monitored mangroves. Snacks were provided! Thank you BirdsCaribbean for funds to do this important outreach.
April 28 2021, 8 – 10a Children’s workshop
Audience: 96 students, 5 teachers, 1 director. (With assistant Wyd)
Theme: Protect birds, mangroves, and the environment.
• The importance of birds - How birds make us have plenty of food. Distribute handouts of birds pictures and names.
• Protection of birds - Do not litter, do not break their nests, do not kill birds, plant trees, do not use slingshots.
The parents.
May 12 2021, 12:30 – 2:30p Parent’s workshop.
Audience: 40 parents, 5 teachers, 1 director. (With assistant Gideon)
Theme: Protect the mangroves through protecting the environment.
• The importance of mangroves.
• The importance of birds and how this can lead to better jobs.
• Exhort children for killing birds.
• Do not cut trees.
• Do not litter.
Elio says: Mwen kwè fòmasyon sa dwe gen swit. Kèk aksyon pou ede timoun ak granmoun yo rebwaze zòn nan. Granmoun yo pare pou kolabore nan jan yo kapab. Mwen te kontan anpil travay nan pwojè sa. Ekip la solid e pare pou kontinye patisipe nan bon chanjman kap fasilite byenèt tout moun ak tout zwazo yo!!!!!
believe this training must follow. Some actions to help children and adults reforest the
area. Adults are ready to collaborate as best they can. I was very happy working on this project. The team is strong and ready to continue participating in
good changes that facilitate the well-being of everyone and all the birds !!!!!)